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Gail Harradine

UPDATE 2024 TRAIL - Gail Harradine is no longer available on the 2024 trail but we hope to see her again next year.

I am a Wotjobaluk/Djubagalk/Jadawadjali woman born on Wotjobaluk country, a country proud of the 1866 Aboriginal Cricketers, such as Johnny Mullagh and proliferation of salt lakes as well as the intrinsic mountains such as Djurite (Mt Arapiles) and Gariwerd (Grampians). I continually redefine and map my connections and source inspiration in the colour, and tactile essence of my mother country.


I have been inspired by my Elders to gain qualifications in art (Including Masters in Arts), environment and curatorial studies to further my knowledge in order to facilitate learning over my life’s journey. This has enabled me to mentor others and facilitate my artistic expression and wellbeing. I draw on photography as a way to further channel my identity and place in reflecting cultural identity but continually resisting the stereotyping of First Peoples in the broader context.

MEDIUM: Photography, Painting

STUDIO: ArapilesFlow Studio, 117 Depot Lane, Natimuk


PHONE: 0458 672 176


INSTAGRAM: yulawil


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